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The woman's first pregnancy is not always desirable. In this case, the woman may consider and prefer an abortion.In this case it's probably best to go for the medical abortion using the abortion pill kit, which is currently considered to be the most effective method. However, many young girls are afraid to have an abortion during the first pregnancy, having heard and read horror stories. In this article we will try to dispel the myths about abortion during the first pregnancy.

Surely many women have heard the statement that "the first pregnancy should end in childbirth." This statement is ambiguous. This promise appeared in the heyday of instrumental methods of abortion - in the 60 and 70s. Back then the artificial termination of the first pregnancy was associated with high risks, especially at the age of 25 years old.

What were these risks?


  • During pregnancy, global changes occur in the woman’s body at all levels and in all systems. Abruptly stopping the progression of pregnancy can often trigger the development of severe hormonal imbalances, which are difficult to treat.

  • Women which never previously gave birth before have a very thin endometrium (the inner mucous membrane of the uterus), so there is a risk of damage during the abortion to the deeper layers of the uterus. In the future, this may interfere with the normal course of the next pregnancy.

  • With instrumental abortion there is a risk that infection will be carried into the uterine cavity. If this happens, then after the procedure, an obvious or hidden infectious-inflammatory process begins. Inaccurate treatment of an infection or lack of treatment can in principle cause such a terrible post-abortion complication as infertility.

All these factors in our days remain relevant for this method of pregnancy termination such as scraping and scooping (curettage). However, medical progress does not stand still. In the 70s, the vacuum-aspiration method became widely popular, and in the early 90s a truly revolutionary method appeared - manual vacuum aspiration, which is essentially a simplified manual vacuum aspiration. The use of vacuum in the extraction from the uterine cavity has repeatedly reduced the risk of damage to the endometrium during abortion and the risk of infectious and inflammatory processes.

In our days there are even more modern methods of abortion. Scientists developed a number of drugs and invented the technology of using prostaglandin analogues to stimulate uterine contractions. All this allowed us to open a new, relatively safer method of abortion called the “Medical abortion”. An abortion with the use of drugs completely saves a woman from any instrumental interventions, which eliminates the risk of pathogenic flora entering the uterine cavity.

Summarizing all the above: with the advent of medical (pharmacologic, tablet, non-surgical) abortion technology in gynecology, the phrase that “the first pregnancy must end in childbirth” has lost its relevance.

Of course, any abortion (including medical) is an incredible hormonal load on all systems of the woman’s body. Termination of pregnancy can not pass completely without a trace. Doctors constantly recommend to couples who are not yet ripe for a child to use reliable contraceptive methods so that the partner does not become pregnant. However, if an unwanted pregnancy has occurred, you need to make a decision.

Frequently asked Questions


  1. Is it dangerous to have an abortion during the first pregnancy?
    There are always risks to consider. However, medical abortion has had a good track record in relatively safe abortion procedures.

  2. What is the likelihood of complications?
    The probability of complications are low and occur in about 10-15% of cases. Each body if different and reacts diffierently to the abortion procedure.

  3. Is infertility possible after the first abortion?
    Highly unlikely.

  4. Can I get pregnant after the first abortion?
    Yes, you can. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the reproductive ability of a woman returns to normal as early as the next cycle of menstruation.

  5. What method is best to abort the first pregnancy?
    If the pregnancy foes not exceed 9 weeks, then it is better to get rid of the fetus by medical abortion. It is considered the most gentle to the body of a woman.

  6. Can someone find out (from doctors, close people) that a woman has an abortion?
    If an instrumental dilatation of the cervical canal was not used, and the pregnancy does not exceed 9 weeks, then it's close to impossible to determine that the woman was pregnant.



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