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When conducting a medical abortion, Mifepristone is taken first. It provokes insignificant bleeding in only a small percentage of women.
The situation is different with the second drug Misoprostol. In the majority of women abundant bleeding begins during the first 1-4 hours after taking it.
It is normal for a blood discharge to occur. In this case, the color and nature of the discharge from the genital tract of each woman is different. First, the discharge maybe light and gradually, become darker and thick, eventually turning into a smear. Some women already have the first discharge of dark color with clots, they gradually decrease and eventually disappear.
The duration of bleeding in medical abortion is individual for each person, there are no strict norms and deadlines. It is generally accepted that the duration of heavy bleeding should not exceed 3-5 days (the average period of menstruation in a woman). After heavy bleeding, a phase (7-10 days) begins, during which the bleeding gradually stops. In rare cases, unexpressed spotting lasts until the next menstrual period.
The amount of discharge is directly proportional to the duration of pregnancy, that is, the longer the pregnancy, the higher the volume.
A sign of heavy bleeding is the need to frequently change the pads with the maximum class of absorption. Excessive bleeding lasts at least 2 hours. If such a situation arises, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. However, abundant blood excretion in medical abortions, which are a real threat to the health and life of a woman is extremely rare.
An important characteristic of discharge is their decreasing volume.
Adverse factors with heavy bleeding
Sharp discharge stop. Often this is due to a blockage of the cervical canal with abortion products, such as blood clots.
Prolonged heavy bleeding. The main cause of this problem is incomplete abortion, when the non-separated parts of the ovum prevent the uterus from contracting and stopping the bleeding.
Both of these cases require an immediate appointment with a gynecologist to prevent health complications.
10-14 days after the onset of bleeding, it is necessary to do an ultrasound check-up of the pelvic organs, which will help to reliably determine whether the medical abortion was successful.